Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 7....and Results!!

Okay, First, before the 30 Day Challenge, I think I'll post...Results! I know some people might be anxious to know how they did. Or maybe they don't care. Huh. Never mind.
Anyhoo, RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam: 100%. But then, he's my brother. So of course he got everything right.
Clara: 80%. YAY!! Clara, you know me too well!!!
Emma of Tin Lane: 80%. I'm guessing that I'm like that way you know me well. Either that or, you just know me.
Rachel P.: 60%. You did great, Rachel, especially since we don't see eachother a lot. At all. ;)
Yay, yall! Next time I do a quiz, I'm going to do it with something else. That way, you can click on the one that you think it is, and it tells you automatically whether or not it's right. Christie told me about it. :)
And nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww presenting!!! the 30 Day Challenge Day SEVEN!!!

Five Things You Can't Live Without

Well, first of all, my church (which includes the Bible)!! which I don't have any pictures of. Sorry.

Second of all, my blog. I love my blog!

Third, my niece and nephew!

Fourth, The Legend of Korra

Aaaaaanndddd Fifth, books! NO, I CANNOT live without books. Never. Any type of books. Including Artemis Fowl. a book.

And that is Five Things I Can't Possibly Live Without.


1 comment:

  1. I just thought "whats most like a Roy?". Being around Christie probably helped;)

    Emma of Tin Lane


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